Hi there! We have a new website! Please visit us at www.jmk-photos.com. Feel free to continue browsing our older blog posts here as well. Thanks and contact me, info@jmk-photos.com, if you have any questions!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Sarah and Paul | Charlottesville Wedding Photographer, Early Mountain Vineyard

I have known Sarah since middle school. We attended high school together and were college roommates for a time. I love this girl! Enter Paul. The man of her dreams with his super cute kiddos. Love him too! What a fun day! Thank you for letting me document it for you.

Venue: Early Mountain Vineyard
Make-up: Charlottesville Make-Up Artist, Anne Kibler
Catering: Hank's Smokehouse
Music: DJ Ricky
Florals: The Orchid Station

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A little behind-the-scenes funniness for your entertainment | Charlottesville Wedding Photographer

Hahahahaaaa! So when I edit a wedding, and I come across images like these that my amazing second shooters take of me working, it makes me giggle. There is so much behind-the-scenes that people don't usually see. So here it is. Enjoy.

Bridesmaids wondering, "Really, how many more pictures can she take of the couple..."

Oh man, I was a hot mess on this hot day!

Trying to get the photo booth to work with our crazy flash triggers that had a mind of their own that evening!

I promise, I will not take pics while you are in your undies and getting your dress on. I'll just stare awkwardly at the floor.

 Jeff & Lauren organizing the bride! Love it!

Because I can't just take one more step forward...

Why is it so natural for photographers to do the body thrust forward thing. No wonder my back hurts after a wedding.

This is my spot before the ceremony starts.

 And then there's the tricky lighting at a reception. Chimping is a must.

No, I'm not texting. Checking the time line. Promise.

Yes. I am at the bar. And on my phone. But we were on a dinner break! And I was just getting a ginger ale. And checking on my puppy dog. Caught.

Oh, heeeeey Jeff.

And then, of course, there's the photo booth. 

{Gotta love the out-of-focus group shot}

Bottom line: we love our jobs and have fun doing it and hope you have as much fun working with us as we do with you. Thank you for 2012 and can't wait for 2013. XOXOX.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Katy & Ryan | Williamsburg Wedding Photographer

I love a winter wedding! So festive with all of the twinkly lights and greenery. So pretty! Congrats to Katy and Ryan, married on Saturday evening at Ford's Colony Country Club in Williamsburg, VA.

Thanks to Hey DJ Bobby for the awesome entertainment!

thanks for shooting with me Jeff!